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Woman, Know Your Place! Guest Blogger: Jen M. Watson & BCI Celebrate Women's History Month

Writer: Jackie The EducatorJackie The Educator

Over the years, I've heard my father asked the question, "How do you really feel about women preachers?" My dad would always reply, "I don't believe in women preachers. But I also don't believe in men preachers. I believe in the Holy Spirit using whomever He deems fit. There is no male or female in the Kingdom." As a little girl and even as I entered my adulthood, this response freed me!

Women continue to make progress in the world, but sometimes we're still reminded just how far we have to go. Black women fight to overcome unequal pay in the workforce and overly sexualized images in the media. At the same time, the strength of the black woman is often interpreted as domineering and aggressive. For women to make a lasting impact, we must develop our image and self-esteem from God the Father. Every other ideology that goes against that must be forsaken.

What God Says About Women

We are heirs to the promises of God. (Galatians 3:26-29)

We are strong and successful because God is with us. (Psalm 46:5)

We're created in the image of God. (Genesis 1:27)

Women are always relevant to the Kingdom. (Esther 4:14)

The same God who called Deborah to be a judge and lead the children of Israel into a war victory is the same God who called Esther to be a queen to save an entire nation from execution. The same God that called Mary to give birth to an unprecedented Miracle is the same God who calls on women today to be politicians, doctors, educators, preachers, etc. to turn the world upside down. When given the space to walk in their God-given authority, women have the power to ignite undeniable change in their spheres of influence. Women have been on the rise since the beginning of time, and we show no signs of slowing down.

I believe as opportunities find their way to us as women, we must rise and lift our sisters in the process. We also need the support of our brothers. Like my father, our brothers must become blind to gender when trying to determine if a woman is capable of operating in the Kingdom. It's not a matter of if women should operate in ministry and the marketplace; it is a matter of how. The how is determined simply by recognizing the area in which she is called to lead. When we discover how, our character, gifts, anointing, and the call on our lives should be the leading factor.

My advice to women is that we know our place, meaning, know what area to which God has called you, continue honing your skills and gifts, and flourish! Be relentless in your pursuit of purpose, but maintain your femininity in the process. That's what makes us unique from our male counterparts.

While we are not going home, we are also not excluding our brothers from our space. We stand boldly in who we are while submitting to the will of God.

I challenge every woman to take 10 minutes today and do some introspection. Identify at least one area in your life you feel called to lead, but have been suppressing the urge to go for it. Develop at least three strategies to help you implement faith over fear to walk out your God-given purpose.


Wife, mother, speaker, author and entrepreneur are just a few adjectives that

describe Jen M. Watson. Jen is passionate about women’s empowerment and helping young girls and women embrace their God-given purpose. Serving as the Prayer Director for Black Christian Influencers, Jen is able to walk out her passion for prayer.

Jen is passionate about foreign missions. To date, with the help of generous sponsors, she has sent 8 children in Liberia to school for the past three years.

Just over two years ago, Jen launched a body care line called Grace David. This body care line pampers the everyday woman while also empowering underserved women and children in Nigeria, West Africa with every sale.

Additionally, Jen is the CEO of Jen M. Watson Communications. This is the channel through which she provides motivational speaking, ghostwriting and editing services. For nearly ten years, she has also provided the nationally recognized publication Epitome Magazine with interviews of high-profile clients and written articles.

Connect with Jen: Instagram|Facebook


1 Comment

Alexandra Boone
Alexandra Boone
Sep 08, 2024

Major Key: Be relentless in your pursuit of purpose, but maintain your femininity in the process

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