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What Separates a Dreamer From a Doer

It's been a week since New Year's Day. Have you started the outline for the book yet, sis? Did you make a list of the schools you said you wanted to research to start your Master's? I'm not trying to get into your business, but I read on Forbes recently that 64% of our New Year's Resolutions will be no more after about a month.

What God has given us to do is bigger than resolutions. We are called to influence people to follow Christ and to make an impact for the Kingdom of God. We've written the vision, but what makes us different to avoid 64% of our vision from never coming to life? BCI Founder, Jackie Horbrook, encourages us to think, pray, and execute the vision we have for our lives, but what separates a dreamer from a doer? Discipline and obedience.

Discipline and obedience both require you to draw a hard line in the sand to pursue the call of God on your life. It will require saying no to all the good things you would rather be doing to say yes to what God is asking of you. 1 Corinthians 10:23 reminds us that we can do anything, but not everything is beneficial. When you look at the vision you wrote for 2020 and compare it to your daily routine and habits, are there areas you need to draw the line? Ask yourself these questions:

What in my life isn't serving the vision?

Are there things in my life that are distracting or delaying this pursuit?

Do I have people keeping me accountable?

Will this decision yield fruit for the vision?

Am I making excuses?

How we spend these first few weeks of the year will determine the fruit we will see in the months to come.

Your vision is only as good as the discipline and obedience you put behind it to follow through. God wants to use you. It doesn't matter if you're in ministry or the marketplace; these things set you apart and bring the vision to life.


Personal discipline, when it becomes a way of life in our personal, family, and career lives, will enable us to do some incredible things. ~Zig Ziglar



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